Saturday, November 17, 2007


As the person who looked like a quadruped talked we were bored out of our senses. His voice was like a sleep inducing drug, slowly but surely leading me into the arms of Morpheus. Me and my friend tried to pair up the young men and women of our class, deriving sadistic pleasure out of it, to keep ourselves awake and to get some juice into our drab lives. His lecture on "spreadsheets" was the most boring workshop topic ever. Here I was sitting in this workshop wasting my time while my mind thought "Oh my god! How will I ever clear my first semester exams." My life which you can't say encompasses a lot has come to a standstill and this workshop may be the tipping point that my mind id waiting for. I have always thought that I was always on the brink of losing my sanity and maybe by writing my monologue I might just have reached the point of no return.

Some of my thoughts during the workshop today.


Unknown said...

dude, have to say, an awesome read. love d way u've expressed urself so fluently. keep rollin buddy !!!!

watersigndj said...

biatch!!!! u forgt to mention that i did kick ur arse at the game!!! and thats a fact!!!